
Zoho CRM


Why Your Retail Business Needs to Integrate CRM Software?

With digitization becoming popular, businesses no longer run the same. Whether offline or online, the retail industry is undergoing a complete transformation. Being a customer-centric business, maintaining a strong relationship with customers is a must. A recent report has revealed that by 2020 retail sales will top $27 trillion. Staggering, doesn’t it? The market is huge. But with plenty of options available to customers, the competition is tough. To survive and excel incorporation of technology is no more a need rather a necessity.

As visible, the concept of shopping is now changing. The online marketing is gaining prominence. According to a recent survey, 51% of customers purchase stuff online. This has made the offline retailers to pull up their socks. A more personalized user interaction is the need of the time. But with an expanding customer base personalizing each interaction becomes tough. Here Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software comes into the scene. It is a robust and comprehensive software. With smartphone usage becoming common, a number of CRM mobile apps have entered the market. The retailers nowadays are using CRM mobile integration on a large scale.

That is to say, the CRM software is helping stores to serve their buyers in an efficient way. Curious to know more? Let’s have a look at why your retail business needs CRM integration. Here we go:

  • Image building – Building a positive image of your business is very important. With the help of CRM software, you can have a more professional approach in dealing with customers. An inviting image will attract buyers to your stores or services.
  • Personalized customer service – In a time when options are plenty having a loyal customer base is tough. A personalized interaction with your customers will help you in this direction. CRM software provides social media data, purchase history, likes and dislikes of every individual customer. This help store owners deal with their customers in a better way.
  • Better alignment of sales and marketing – Big data hold immense potential for businesses. A proper analysis of it will propel your business to heights. The marketing team can manage big data content with CRM integration. Also, by giving access to pricing literature and personalized dashboards, the CRM software can help the sales wing too.
  • Loyalty programs – Implementing loyalty programs can do wonders for your business. It’s a powerful tool but underused. By using CRM software, you can handle customer loyalty programs in an effective manner. It will help in managing customer profiles, their reward tiers and how can they redeem them. An online portal showing details of offers, complimentary coupons, current reward status etc. will help you in developing a loyal customer base.
  • Better inventory management – CRM software enables you to keep a track of intercompany transfers. You can check the availability of stocks, demand/supply ratio, and replenishment processes. Such in-depth information will help you in better management of your inventory. You’ll never go out of stock. This will help your business in the long run.

In brief, CRM software holds immense potential to deliver a superior customer service. In the times of the empowered customer, it will propel your business in the right direction. We at Encaptechno, have years of experience in CRM mobile integration. So, if you also wish to give your business a technological push, we are there to help you. Feel free to reach us at [email protected] and we will revert back at the earliest.

Why Your Retail Business Needs to Integrate CRM Software? Read More »

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Sales Automation – It`s More Than Just Sales

In the business world, nothing is more precious than time. But, how often do you take measures that actually save you a plenty of time? If your whole sales process continues to operate in conventional ways, it means your sales team takes notes of everything worth noting down; schedules call to potential customers and arrange leads based on their priority. Any guesses, how much time your sales team goes into such processes? It is more than half. Don’t this sound alarming? Yes, it does. No business owner would let such a huge amount of time to go waste, nor should you. So what`s the solution?

Sales Automation is the best solution to put a brake on the time wastage. What it does is automates the tasks that sales teams do repeatedly – every day, every week and every month. Automation saves your company time, brings accuracy to tasks filled with errors and makes sales process speedy. Business owners now-a-days are implementing CRM tools like Salesforce, Zoho CRM, Microsoft Dynamics CRM to automate their sales process.

When I say sales automation automates every task sales team does, many businessmen may misunderstand the statement. They tend to make it mean something that completely replaces sales team, and that`s not true. In fact, sales team retains its relevancy, its position, its task even after deploying sales automation. It improves the sales process, renders complex processes, makes sales team efficient, removes errors and saves time. When automation takes care of recurrent tasks such as receiving and scheduling orders, making available information on shipping, updating customer information, it gives your sales team freedom to do other things that automation cannot do. Researching, cementing relationships with customers and figuring out ways to make automation more accessible to get the right proportion of technology and human workforce that makes your sales team look more professional.

These days every business sort of invests huge amounts in automation technology to boost sales. The estimated expenditure on sales automation was $3 billion way back in 2004, according to IDC report.

Tasks to Automate with Sales Automation

It`s time to discuss why sales automation is not just about sales only. In fact, multitudes of processes are there that you can automate with the help of sales automation to increase the productivity of your sales process.

  • Drafting an Email – One thing you see sales people constantly doing is sending emails and that consumes plenty of time. With sales automation, email drafting process gets a lot easier and speedy because of well-personalized email templates.
  • Calling a Lead – Dialing manually all your leads can be a tiresome thing to do. But by integrating CRM tools with your business, you can not only make the tasks simpler but also get to dial more leads than usual, which is not possible manually.
  • Prioritizing a Lead – It should be a daunting task to figure out who to call first, isn`t it? The same thing can be done quite easily by using right technology. Automation technology sorts and prioritizes leads based on their lead scores.
  • Taking a Note – When a call is established, next important thing to do is taking a note of, or writing down, what you deduced the positive points out of a call. Technology such as Salesforce CRM can automate the note-taking process by taking down call results automatically. It helps sales person keep track of his own performance and create a separate list of potential leads.
  • Scheduling an Appointment – Scheduling appointment is an important sales process that needs to be automated. You can create a schedule with the help of Salesforce Inbox, where you point out all your available times and potential customer can choose appointment time by clicking on the time he is available. With just a click, you get to schedule an appointment right away.
  • Specific Lead to Specific Person – It is the best feature you get with sales automation. Now your representatives will no longer have to transfer calls because with this advanced feature a call will be automatically transferred to the right department and right person based on their availability and skill, no more mixing up.

These are not the only tasks, but they are sufficient to give you the glimpse of how sales automation works and what changes it can bring to your work culture. They give you an idea how to save you time, energy and money.

With that said, you should not miss its other aspects which is equally important to be considered here. You should not get blindly obsessed with automation technology and totally ignore the human trying to establish human connection. This could destroy your aspect of building customer relationships. You have to make technology and human contact go side by side. After all, what automation can`t do, humans can. In business, customer relations are what matters the most!

Sales Automation – It`s More Than Just Sales Read More »

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Zoho CRM

Role of Zoho in handling cognitive dissonance

If you are thinking of expanding your business, increasing the sales stats at an alarmingly amazing rate and gaining better and undefeatable brand equity, you must have definitely understood the journey a customer takes while at purchase. Well, considering that you yourself are a consumer with the need for material aspects just like your target audience, I am sure you must have understood the sort of option-based turmoil they come across. Often customers receive options to choose from among various brands for a single item that they intend to purchase. This might come across as a delight considering that they could compare two products or options and choose the one they feel suits the best. But, this might also come across as a problem for consumers. Cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values.  This is exactly what most consumers suffer from, two contradictory beliefs that are capable of gaining the attraction it intends to garner.

Most companies are a prey to this factor and analyzing a customer; forcing or rather coercing them into accepting your product or service may come across as a real challenge here. With so many brands offering almost the similar products and options, trying to gain the maximum visibility, you must have understood that having the larger size of the cake is the only way to grow ahead and you have to fight it out with both the smaller picks and giants.

Don’t panic. We know the market is tough and you have a long way to go but hey! The good part is that technology knows how to take you ahead in this journey and that’s exactly what you are in search of. ZOHO is the answer to all your queries. Implementing Zoho is the only way to help stop your customers from getting distracted by brands that offer what you have or even better in a different packaging. Need more help to understand this wonder tech? Well, here’s our take on the Zoho techniques to fight your competitors in a smart way:

  1. The Automation of Sales Efforts: The heart of Zoho lies in automating routine sales efforts. From converting web visitors into hot leads and garnering data from external parties and so much more, Zoho lets you connect with your potentials from across trade shows, direct emails and seminars and workshops. Once captured in the system, these leads are matched with the right sales workforce, converting it into a real sale. Moreover, the sales processes on Zoho may be customized based on the needs of individual businesses making it an even more desirable and personalized tool.
  2. Monitor your connects: Zoho is a true CRM tool that not just lets you connect with your customers but also lets you monitor their movements, helping you understand the pattern of their purchases, the triggers that work in a particular segment. You can also forecast the revenue that you may be able to identify via Zoho tools thereby helping you create a better strategy for each segment of your market in order to remain the people’s brand that you want and must become. You remain connected with your targets, putting away any chance of contradiction.
  3. Crucial data: Zoho CRM is appreciated and adopted the most for this particular feature of it. Real-time access to handy information is essential and the tracking tool lets you see where exactly has the customer reached in the sales cycle. In short, the tool lets you analyze, track and retrieve data that can help you take the sales initiatives to a whole new level, streamlining your business efforts in order to help you achieve your targets and fulfill your mission. With Zoho, you can make smarter and profitable decisions.
  4. The Mobile Factor: Let’s face the fact. Our customers are now sourced via social media. Don’t believe it? Well, researchers have stats to prove it. Zoho takes the maximum advantage of its tracking system to analyze a potential target group, its movements, preferences, the rate of their conversion, etc. From Facebook to Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, Zoho extracts the maximum of the resources and platforms available to gain crude information. Zoho Integration with social media lets you connect with them, engage and stay associated rather than stick to a single sale and push attitude.
  5. For the smartphone generation: Zoho is all in for a smartphone generation. Dedicated editions of Zoho for Android and iOS users help these persons to control their sales activities even when on the go. This will help major decisions to be taken on the basis of quick and true data with research findings and stats to back it. You may access the most important of data from your phone and stay connected with your business no matter where you are.

The list could be stretched even further with many key market players opting in for the Zoho CRM system. If you want to take your business operations to a whole new level, you have to give Zoho a fair chance. Fight the competition and gain the maximum out of your business opportunities with Zoho.

Still, need a further detailing? We’re happy to help. Drop us a line at [email protected] and we will get back to you!

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