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Work remotely from home-Encaptechno

Work from Home Efficiently with Zoho Remotely

Many companies and the businesses are waking up to a new culture & style of working from home. In times of crisis, Zoho & Encaptechno really seem to have their finger on the pulse of their customers.

Work remotely from home-Encaptechno

Most of the Organizations & individuals are looking out for solutions that can help them get together and run their businesses seamlessly & in the most efficient manner.

Zoho commands the loyalty of over 50 million users already. Giants like Amazon, Facebook, LinkedIn Mentoring, Netflix, Century 21, KPMG, Capgemini, Discovery Communications, Siemens, Whirlpool, Bose, Pepsico, Dell and many more have also switched to Zoho.


Zoho has come up with a suite called Zoho Remotely which is free to use till September 1 st 2020.


What is Zoho Remotely?

Zoho Remotely


Zoho Remotely is a suite of cloud applications that helps you communicate and collaborate with teams, keep track of work, and provide remote assistance to your customers anywhere in the world.” And, in the recent times where most of us now work from home, Zoho Remotely is a single suite to meet all your needs.

Remotely includes these Zoho apps:


Remotely is a bundle of 11 applications from Zoho:

  • Zoho ShowTime – Engagement and training tool
  • Zoho Writer – Collaborative word processor
  • Zoho Sheet – Collaborative spreadsheet application
  • Zoho Cliq – Instant messaging/chat platform
  • Zoho Show – Business presentation tool
  • Zoho Meeting – Video conferencing tool
  • Zoho Sprints – Agile project management software
  • Zoho Lens* and Assist – Remote support software
  • Zoho WorkDrive – Document management tool
  • Zoho Projects – Comprehensive project management tool

*Zoho Lens available for US, EU, AU and India DC users

Who benefits most from Zoho Remotely? You’ve got power in your corner

Meet online and communicate from anywhere


Despite whatever is your location you can remotely hold meeting with your team, and you can review, hold training, facilitate your customer from time to time & can even do a sales pitch, give presentations. Remotely’s suite of apps will enable you to conduct all your day to day business communications from anywhere and any point in time. Via Cliq, Meeting & Showtime.


With Cliq you can create and manage multiple chats, you have a facility to hop on a video or audio call with your team and your clients.You can also share files, and carry on multiple tasks and do so much more, right from your chat. Cliq serves as a primary hub for remote work.


Schedule online meetings without the boundaries of time zones. Simulate a one on one meetings on the screen via video calls, or just the audio calls. Share your screen for content discussions.

Show Time

Share your ideas and conduct online training, impart your knowledge remotely, receive feedback and reach your targeted audience across the corners of the world.

Collaborate seamlessly from wherever you are


Work effectively in an efficient manner, work as teams even from diverse and even remote locations. Plan and assess your projects, assign work, optimize and allocate resources. Prioritize tasks and make your work count, wherever it matters the most. Via Work Drive, Projects, Sprints

Work Drive

Create online team drives, share documents remotely with members, and collaborate in real time to get things done.


Launch projects, add relevant tasks and assign them to the particular people. Affiliate with your team remotely and keep track of task progress and milestones efficiently.


Create customized moot boards and incorporate live feedback from key team members while executing projects, in a vigorous manner.

Remote assistance from anywhere 


Assist your clients & team from anywhere through apps that act as remote hands & eyes. Address the trouble the clients and team members are facing, share help files & patches and securely address and resolve the queries. Via Assist, Lens


Reach out to your clients and team members through secure remote sessions and through multiple devices. Take a prior consent and take charge of pre-approved control of their system/ devices.


Get to see what your customer sees, click and annotate images, draw deeper insights with augmented reality tech and deliver remote assistance.

Achieve productivity when working remotely


Boost your and your team’s productivity with office apps that are designed for collaboration. Draft blogs, analyze spreadsheets and prepare slide decks from any place. Via Writer, Sheet, Show


Create, share and edit documents together as a team, each from their own laptops or mobile, from wherever they are.


Manage spreadsheets and analyze your data with advanced functions. Present information with clear visualizations to your peers at work and derive insights together.


Craft perfectly flowing presentations by sharing and collaborating with multiple people, even if each of you are located remotely.


You may also ReadEncaptechno’s Commitment during Covid-19 crisis



We understand that we all are going through tough times these days.

Most of us may not have the time to really sit down and analyze which are the best of the tools to use. Choosing the wrong software and/ or provider seems to be a popular reason, system implementations fail, when they do.

You shall be adding a well-equipped software choice to your arsenal, to boost the efficiency of your business.

If that sounds like you, just let us know and we’ll be happy to analyze your situation for you, then let you know how best you would benefit from using Remotely.

You don’t have to take a big chance, just leave it to a team of experienced Zoho consultants to lend a hand and put you back in the Zoho power seat.

Work from Home Efficiently with Zoho Remotely Read More »

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Increase Customer Retention using CRM

5 Ways Zoho CRM Increases Customer Retention

Do you know how does a business acquire revenue and grow further? It can only be possible either by getting new customers or by retaining its existing customers.
Pareto’s 80-20 principle is applied in every business, and according to it, 20% of existing customers generate 80% of revenue, while new customers contribute only 20% to the total revenue. So the business should focus on satisfying existing customers rather than acquiring new ones, which will pave the path towards consistent revenue growth. If you aim at increasing customer retention rate, Zoho Implementation will help you to control business interactions with Your Customers through Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

Why Should You Care About Customer Retention?

Your customer retention rate is a number that shows whether your marketing and customer care efforts are fortifying your business or just draining your money.
Customer retention isn’t just about how your marketing and sales teams are doing. When you follow this number, you get to know about the vital changes or switch gears to reach your sales and growth goals.
It’s fair that every business needs new customers, but generating revenue from existing customers is the easiest way ever. 5 major reasons that you should care about customer retention for your business:

*Better Conversion Rates
*Less Marketing
*Higher Profits
*Improvement in Services
*Fewer expenditures

So the businesses should never underestimate the value of customer retention and should start being proactive about keeping their existing customers.

How can Zoho CRM Implementation improve Customer Retention?


Zoho CRM software has made businesses to grow faster. It helps you to get more deals, boost up sales, and make customers engaged with your business. But when it comes to customer retention, there are several ways adopted to deal with customers such as online communication and web assistance. Social media is another method to reach potential clients and staying connected with existing clients of your company. Zoho Integrations with social media and email accounts can promote your business online.
Companies that use Zoho CRM can stay closer to their customers by tracking records of current customers and identifying loyal customers to reward them. This technique not only holds your existing customers but also bring more customers.
Check out these 5 ways that Zoho CRM can help you to increase the rate of customer retention in your business.

Identify High-Value Customers:

With Zoho CRM, you can integrate all your applications and databases to the software, and a simple search enables you to recognize your high-value clients. Based on the history of clients, you can easily classify the leading clients and identify their requirements. Doing so, you can focus on your potential clients and utilize valuable time in keeping them happy in spite of attracting new clients. You can also reach out to inactive customers who are no longer associated with your company and make extra efforts to get them back to your business.

Create Personalized Offers:

Most businesses offer lucrative deals and discounts to attract new customers, but when it comes to existing customers, only a few businesses present value-added offers. With Zoho CRM, you don’t need to beat around the bush to recognize what your existing customers love. Just pick any customer or group of customers that you want to target, and you will get every bit of information about that customer right there. You will get familiar with their product preferences, purchase patterns, price sensitivity, how often they visit your website, and even the date and time of their last purchase.
Briefly, you get to know everything that is important to make an offer the customer cannot refuse! This action will not only strengthen the chance of conversion manifolds, but your customers will also feel special.

Create Lasting Relations with Customers:

Zoho Integration captures every detail from landing pages and saves the personal information of customers in dashboards. It creates customized reports about every customer inclusive their contact details, ongoing projects, product requirements, past orders, etc. After having complete information about them, you find common ground to start up highly-personalized follow-up communication. Automating Zoho workflows allows you to send follow-up texts and emails about particular offers or on some special occasions to targeted customers. For example, you can send birthday cards and some lucrative offers for birthday month.

Email Alerts and Notifications:

Zoho enables you to categorize your customer’s list and doing so you can classify different customers easily. Zoho Workflow brings automation and artificial intelligence in your business, which creates reports and analytics quickly. According to the updated reports, it handles regular communication with the customers, from welcome email to new customers to daily follow-ups, everything is done automatically. Regular emails can be customized with some extended offers, service expiry notification, progress reports of ongoing projects, and invoices, etc. Therefore, it also works as an event planner and task manager to request clients, send reminders and post-event follow-ups, as well as to execute other significant actions.

Get feedback on Client Portal:

Today, the businesses can reside closer to the customers, and you can use this as an advantage. Talk to your potential customers, generate reports, and get their valuable reports about your product and services. The collected feedback will help you to improve and enhance your product functionalities, and you will gain customer trust. Analyze the feedback from happy customers and aggressive customers both, which will help you to emphasize your services for a few shortcomings.
Integration Zoho creator with CRM provides a Client Portal to the businesses that the customers can use to give their feedback and preview their overall interactions with you. This facility will assure your customers for constant customer support and build more trust.

Get the Right Tool for Customer Retention!

Customers are the heart of any business, so satisfying them should be a top priority of every business owner. Most of your customers will approach you again for repeat purchases if you can make them feel special. Zoho CRM is the ultimate solution that will help you in your mission of customer retention by providing you enough tools that will ease your work. The invaluable insights that Zoho Customization presents will assist you in targeting particular customers, create personalized offers, and foster a stronger relationship with them.

Use Zoho CRM smartly, and it will become a powerful customer retention tool for your business!

Looking for Zoho Consultants?

Encaptechno is a registered Zoho implementation partner and has done significant implementations on Zoho platform across its wide range of products.

Original Source: Codementor

5 Ways Zoho CRM Increases Customer Retention Read More »

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