
zoho one implementation

Work From Home with Zoho ONE | Zoho Partner Encaptechno

Work From Home with Zoho One

Work From Home with Zoho ONE | Zoho Partner Encaptechno

Many employees have transitioned to remote working, and with this, some parts of businesses have also become a lot harder. It has become all the more challenging to stay in contact with peers as people are left out of the loop, and even the simple tasks can take a lot longer than they used to.

Some problems are completely understandable, but they are also the ones that you can solve if you use the right tools. Many businesses now realize that switching to remote work/ Work From Home is an easy option.

With Zoho One implementation, an organization gets the tools that enable proper communication for going remote and meeting business goals. Zoho One helps in effective collaboration and communication across an organization. It helps in integrating file storage and various project management tools as well.

In this blog, we will talk about how Zoho One helps in remote working.

Centralized Files

It is very important to centralize the files in all scenarios. However, this becomes all the more important when people are working from different places. There are so many chances when the files get lost, and emails get sent back and forth way before anyone can find something. In doing this, important time gets lost.

Centralized Files Zoho ONE | Zoho Partner Enacptechno

Zoho One is an operating system for businesses that ensures files stay secure and easily available when they are required the most. It works like a centralized cloud repository that a business creates and interacts with.

The users can easily make these documents from the Zoho office suite and Zoho WorkDrive while supporting common file types you may have worked with. It is also easy to work with files online and save them to the hard drive using the desktop sync.

When the file storage gets transitioned to Zoho WorkDrive, it becomes easier to solve document duplication problems and reduce the time wasted on searching files. The documents can be stored in the WorkDrive and shared either at a team or an organization-wide level.

Zoho One comes with many Team folders that are essentially shared folders that the teams can collaborate on and even organization folders that can be used for distributing documents to everyone in an organization.

What’s more, the WorkDrive comes with absolute control over who can access what and a minute control on levels of access everyone has. For instance, a person can see a whole team folder but never edit it, while another can edit but never delete any team files.

With the enhanced control that Zoho WorkDrive offers you on the files, it is assumed that everyone only has access to what they require. Other than sharing with teammates, users can safely share files externally with the help of links customized to external stakeholders, passwords protecting those links, revoking them at any time, monitoring usage, etc.

Centralized Files Zoho ONE | Zoho Partner Enacptechno

Important aspects of file management, such as accessibility and security, can be looked upon easily. The documents can also be backed up and available to only people who need them. That said, they will also be available to everyone as quickly as possible and from different locations.


Communication is everything. Organizations that do well understand this fact well enough, and hence, they also use the right tools that are considered important for team communications.

At other times, some organizations don’t think this is a huge deal until they end up in confusion and when communication becomes challenging to navigate. Zoho One comes with many communication tools that have the best tool for all kinds of communication.

Below we will mention how the different tools help in various communications. This will help understand why Zoho One is a business management platform that helps in effective communication.

Unified Chat

Even the ongoing conversations must be quick, and chatting is often the best option to make sure that happens. It can become difficult to manage emails as it takes a lot longer to get a response.

What’s more, a full email box can also seem daunting as compared to a series of messages. To solve this problem, Zoho Cliq helps in making communication easy as it comes with a flexible chatting service that makes it usable from any other Zoho app being used.

Communication with Zoho ONE | Unified Chat Feature

It is simple to react to messages quickly and even stay in contact with the team from anywhere you want. Moreover, you can also use it for staying in touch with the clients and others outside of an organization by setting up a guest chat.

Video Communication Tools

Video communication is important and works better for a couple of conversations. The showtime and meeting offer video communication tools that come with somewhat different focuses.

Video Communication Tools - Zoho ONE

The Meeting option focuses more on video meetings, and Showtime focuses a lot more on education and presentations. When you have the one you prefer, it becomes easy to find all the needed tools.

The Meeting and Showtime options come with webinar tools, but web conferencing is an option that is only supported by Meeting. You can record webinars in either Meeting or Showtime, but it is only Showtime that offers on-demand webinars where the viewers can register to see a pre-recorded video.

It is mostly about choosing what makes communication easy and effective for you and your team. The video communication tools that come with purposeful features should be preferred by you and your team.

Smarter Email

The use of email is highly functional in many ways, but it tends to be overused when organizations do not create proper avenues for different types of communication.

However, there is no ignoring the fact that email serves as one of the most important parts of digital communication. Whether you wish to run your email by Zoho Mail or a third-party tool such as Gmail or Outlook does not matter. It should be clean, user-friendly, and integrated with the software.

Zoho One is an integrated business platform that helps in communication through email. It offers Zoho Mail which is not just an intuitive mail service but also integrates easily with Zoho One.

You can set up mail with Zoho One, which also means that you can add tasks to a project, extract information on customers from the CRM, and also save important documents to the WorkDrive. This will ensure that emails are never forgotten by starting chatting from emails and scheduling meetings.

Third-Party Integrations

The habit of using disconnected applications can create a problem in the process, but the truth is that it does not have to be like that. If you choose a third-party email service, you can integrate it with Zoho apps to keep business applications connected.

The WorkDrive also comes with integrations of Gmail and Microsoft that can be used for integrating the email services such as CRM, Sprints, Projects, and more.

Better Company Culture

After different communication avenues have been created, there is also a need to create a space that can keep the company culture thriving. Connect is one of the Zoho One applications that allows you to facilitate conversations among the teams and employees.

Rather than having a conversation that is too long, the users can effectively create forum posts and carry on discussions while making them accessible to almost anyone who wants to read them after the fact. This is one of the best ways to foster a friendly company culture.

Adaptable Project Management

Flexible Project Management - Zoho ONE

The idea of remote work affects many communication and collaboration aspects along with productivity. Solving this problem can be managed by looking for a project management system that comes with the ability to work efficiently for a team.

People tend to look for a general approach to project management, but the fact is that different approaches work for different people, and it is always best to embrace this. One of the primary steps in evaluating project management software is team communication.

Different people have different project management styles, and the thing is that these styles have been used for so many years. Some people also wish to organize their work by emails or boards along with a detailed spreadsheet or application that includes all the information in just one place.

While evaluating which project management tool is correct, it is important to consider what you need. See if your team needs a shared project management tool or a board, or is it best that everyone picks their own tool?

The tools such as Zoho Projects in Zoho One applications make it easy to centralize data for a project and allow everyone to use the tools they know will work for them. By using this tool, a project manager can use the Project to get an overview of almost everything. The manager can also assign and add tasks from emails along with data that remains consistent.

Zoho Projects is also extremely effective in keeping a timeline on track, helping you manage unexpected delays, and offering reports so that you know exactly where you are. You can integrate with other Zoho one applications and be flexible so that it becomes easy to manage time and use Zoho Projects effectively.

When you manage the projects in Zoho Projects, you can easily give access to tools that are needed to stay on track when it comes to choosing the best. Zoho Projects is one of the best-integrated project management applications that leverage different communication applications for streamlining the process.

The primary step is ensuring that each project deployment comes with a strong foundation, and this can be achieved by setting up information for monitoring as different tasks are entered into the project, including a budget, task status breakdown, and the due dates of tasks.

After this is done, a template can be created so that projects and reports can run automatically as you enter hours and close tasks. In case you have been working on a big spreadsheet or a project management application, then you might have data that you are worried about losing.

Moving to a new tool can be an overwhelming process, but it can be made much simpler. You can effectively import the CSV files so that you work in Projects and pick up right when you left in the previous system.

Using Zoho Tools to Their Potential

In case you have been stressed about using Zoho Projects and also want to use it one day, then it can be used to work well for any need. Zoho Projects allows you to turn off all modules that are not needed by just using the tasks module and getting a feel for how Projects work before committing completely.

In addition, you can also use Zoho Sprints. Sprints is highly agile for project management and can extensively be used for design and development projects. Zoho Sprints is also good for projects if you have been looking for a simple method to navigate when you do not have a project roadmap. If you are looking to develop a new project or design something such as UX, then Zoho Sprints can help. Using the backlog and sprints module can make even a scattered to-do list feel a lot more manageable.

While managing the project management tasks, ensuring everyone uses the tool that solves their needs well is important. Zoho Projects comes with flexibility in how users interact with the project so that it can be extremely purposeful.

You can ask your team to use Zoho Sprints when everyone on a team wants to use a similar project management tool while checking it regularly and dealing with a project when it is unclear how one should reach the end goal. It is best to see the needs, check out the working of each tool, and communicate with the team for understanding the best option.


Going remote is not merely possible but can also turn in your favor. So many businesses have realized that switching to remote work can work well for them. Zoho One can be used by organizations to get the tools that allow proper communication for going remote and meeting business goals as well.

You can get in touch with expert Zoho consultants and implement the steps required to go remote with the implementation of Zoho One. 

Get FREE Zoho ONE Consultation Now!

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How To Effectively Manage Business on Zoho ONE - Encaptechno

How To Effectively Manage Business on Zoho One?

Imagine the seamlessness of this: If we give you a solution to move from scattered applications to a centralized, orderly, and most importantly, integrated suite of business apps, how simple would that make things for you? Considerably simple, right?

How To Effectively Manage Business on Zoho ONE - Encaptechno

Well, we are here to tell you that this is not just easily possible but it is also one of the best ways to effectively manage your business.

With the implementation of the Zoho One suite, you can get all-in-one business software for running your entire business. Well-known as a leading and the best software for centralizing the workflow, Zoho One offers functions that make the business processes efficient by mapping them out.

Zoho functions as a suite of applications while offering over 40 tools that assist in optimizing important business processes that contribute to business development. It is a suite of applications that carries almost all business processes like support, teamwork, business communication, automation, marketing, and sales. In essence, Zoho One can be considered as an operating system for a business.

Why Zoho One?

Why Zoho ONE

In case you are wondering if the Zoho One implementation is worth it and it can run your entire business with seamlessness then the answer is an astounding “Yes.” In a usual scenario, you are constantly jumping from one app to another while duplicating the data between these applications, paying several subscriptions, and then using them for more applications to connect them and pay a big amount on the individual applications for a business.

When you implement Zoho One and access all the Zoho One apps from any device with a single login and a password, you can have a centralized platform for managing everything. In case you are keen to understand whether Zoho One is suitable for your business or not then you can hire a Zoho partner who has extensive domain knowledge and experience.

This will enable the Zoho partner to assess your business processes in complete detail and also recommend you the best applications for your business to run, tailor, and meet your specific business needs.

In case you are also looking to migrate from a current set of applications to Zoho One then these experts will help you with a detailed roadmap for the implementation and automating the business processes all over the organization.

As long as your Zoho partners have a wide range of experience in the Zoho One implementation, working seamlessly will become easy and possible. Some of the prominent benefits that come from the Zoho One implementation are:

  • Automating and streamlining the business processes.
  • Eliminating any complexity of running multiple business applications and also negating the need for several contracts and renewal cycles.
  • Each department in a business can easily connect with all others seamlessly.
  • Zoho partners will remove your data silos by easily integrating Zoho One with all applications that are important for a business.
  • Administrators are going to have detailed supervision of the business data. Hence, if you can make the employees more efficient because they can easily access data from a single place based on the roles and access control for making informed business decisions.

Now that we have gained an understanding of Zoho One and why the businesses should implement it, we will take a look at understanding effectively managing the business on Zoho One. This will help in understanding efficient Zoho One implementation as well.

1. Integrated Business Management

Know About All ApplicationsOne of the prominent challenges of unsystematic software implementation that happens in most organizations is that there is no proper integration between important functions of a business. When the software applications do not have the seamlessness of integration, it can end up wasting a significant amount of precious time. This problem is solved completely with the Zoho One implementation.

It helps in saving a lot of time because integrated business management makes all processes automatic. For instance, just when the marketing professional approaches a lead, the information of the client will go into the CRM application. The prospect will get registered and then the sales process can begin easily. What’s more, is that all of these things will happen in real-time.

Just like this, the capability of productivity tools helps in interacting with the project management tools and enables fast report generation and sharing. Zoho Analytics proves extremely helpful in working with each application to offer a clear picture of how a business is performing.

2. Simple Customization

Planning the ImplementationEach business model is different and works to fulfill different goals. The software application designed for general utilization is not always going to meet the needs of all businesses. Zoho One takes care of this problem by providing effective customization options.

Zoho One brings with itself an option that can enable your team members to create applications that help in significantly improving your workflow. For example, Zoho Creator comes with a well-designed GUI which makes it easy to design applications that are capable of performing on various platforms and devices. It is a software application that enables greater integration with APIs and other software platforms.

Zoho One implementation offers many options for customizing a business functioning. You can focus on your needs and streamline everything accordingly for maximum productivity. In case you are still doubtful about how you should go ahead then a Zoho partner will prove helpful in managing your software and improving the digital functionality of your business

3. Employee Based Access

At the present time, the working professionals are on the move. An increasing number of business organizations are keen on adding remote workers to their staff and each employee needs easy access to business efficiency and simple management software. When there is no real-time connection, communication and partnership can be impacted.

Zoho One comes into the picture by offering the employees account-based access to the online resources. The staff members of an organization can start a report at their office on a work computer but they can finish the same report in a remote site on a PC or a laptop.

Account-based access offered by Zoho One is an extremely helpful security measure. One can decide the small number of employees who need access to each application while also limiting access to others. This helps in making the role of each employee clear and also results in very high productivity.

4. Single Sign-On

Businesses may be using different tools and application software to do sales tracking, accounting, and HR-related work. With the use of Zoho One implementation, this is no longer a problem because the platform already has everything one would need to operate a business.

This entirely helps in getting rid of going on different sites or applications just to get important work done. Just sign in or Zoho One and almost everything can be accessed from there.

5. End-to-end Encryption

One of the biggest benefits of cloud-based systems such as Zoho One is accessibility. That said, if the right security measures are not in place then this advantage can become a liability. The customer data can be impacted if there is any kind of security breach which can then affect the business reputation.

The Zoho One apps offer end-to-end encryption for safeguarding customer data. Each application goes through many rounds of security checks to ensure that there are no vulnerabilities left. Zoho is focused on the security data of all clients because it serves as an important standpoint in any business.

Moreover, you can use security options within an organization as well. Each employee does not need separate access to the customer data. There is a feature of role-based access in the Zoho CRM application which limits the number of employees who can see and change customer information. This is a practice that prevents any sudden changes and also maintains data safety.

6. Consistent Support

Hiring an ExpertWith around 40 applications offered in the Zoho One suite, there is a huge amount of information that is available. Zoho understands the total time that it takes to sift through the documentation process. Hence, there are numerous options to support your business.

Zoho comes with special online guides that play an important role in understanding the basics of setting up a functional system. In addition, you can also understand how to benefit from advanced features such as remote operation and system integration.

Zoho also provides sessions to introduce new features and provide ongoing support. Certified Zoho partners are available to work for scaling up your business with the help of Zoho One. All you have to do is reach out for support to make the most out of Zoho One.

7. All-Inclusive Solution

Many small to medium-sized businesses have a conventional tendency to implement and use software applications in an unsystematic way. As these businesses expand their reach, they understand the need for marketing, sales, communication, and accounting software tools. More often than not, when any software need is not met at the right time, it is delayed for a long time.

With Zoho One implementation, businesses begin with each application considered important for an efficient workspace. Other than the fundamental productivity tools, Zoho One comes with applications that manage after aspects such as human resources, group management, finance, business communication, etc.


Any business comes with different important factors that involve operational strategy for promoting the services and using the tools to execute business strategies. However, all businesses require marketing, generating sales, engaging customers, satisfying them, etc. Moreover, the internal aspects such as setting up meetings, managing employees and different activities are some things that have to be taken care of as well.

Zoho One implementation enters the picture as a savior for all of the above. It provides businesses with a single platform that can be used for managing all the important applications that can be useful in running a business. If you run a business, implement Zoho one for efficient functioning and effective management of your business.

For understanding more on this, get in touch with the team of Encaptechno for expert assistance.

How To Effectively Manage Business on Zoho One? Read More »

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Zoho CRM - What You Get in Free Version

Zoho CRM: What You Get in Free Version?

Zoho CRM - What You Get in Free Version

For the small and startup organizations that can’t afford a big investment, the fully-featured free version of the Zoho CRM offers all the vital functionalities that a small business needs. It includes every robust feature for sales and marketing, powerful integrations, and secured cloud storage for up to 3 users. From lead generation, contact management, and workflow automation to analytics and social collaboration, everything is included. As your company develops, Zoho CRM Consultant will help you upgrade to a paid subscription that provides more advanced capabilities.

Get Feature-Rich Zoho CRM Free of Cost


A CRM tool is an absolute necessity for businesses of all sizes that provides basic customer experience, so it shouldn’t be expensive. And Zoho CRM’s free edition is built for small teams who have big dreams. Here’s why Zoho offers the best free trial version, because:

  • There are no hidden costs– You get access to everything under the free plan
  • It is free forever–There’s no trial period and no forced upgrade
  • No Credit Card required- You can sign up without your credit card details
What are the Built-In Features in the Zoho CRM’s Free Version?


Zoho CRM’s free version can support up to 3 users and presents significant features that a business of small size needs. This edition includes contact and lead management, tasks and events, multichannel marketing, Zoho CRM Integrations to its other applications, analytics, customization, and more!

Here are the features you get in a free version:

  • Contact Book
  • Email Marketing
  • Leads Generation
  • Automation
  • Analytics
  • Customization
  • Storage
  • Ecosystem


Manage Your Contacts Professionally

Zoho CRM’s free tool allows you to create, manage, and categorize data in a way that can help you to drive sales and returns. You can generate connections, record sales activities, add notes, produce tasks, qualify leads, view deals, and much more with this flexible digital contact book. So bid adieu to clumsy spreadsheets and shift your business into a more easy and powerful solution. With this professional contact book, you can do:

Lead and Contact Management

Create a lasting relationship with your leads and customers and impress them with your assistance.

Deal Management

Don’t ever miss any business opportunity, capture deals on the board, and generate revenue easily.

Account Management

List all contacts and deals related to one company and manage it more rapidly.



Email Marketing - Zoho CRM

Create Smarter and Personalized Emails

Email Marketing is made more expedient, resourceful, and personalized with Zoho CRM. You can create attractive copies with its powerful editor, which has tons of built-in formatting options, and you can also add important attachments to the email copy. Create custom workflows, use templates, opt-out email, and a few more that will help you write tailored emails that accurately highlight the pain of your leads.



Find and Contact Leads Online

For a small-sized business, an excellent website can serve as a success key for creating new and repeat business opportunities. It’s imperative to keep track of the lead activities online and request contact information for moving them into your sales process. The free version of Zoho CRM enables you to do that effortlessly. Further, you can:

Track visitors with SalesIQ

Keep track of how the viewers interact with your website content, indulge in live chat with prospecting customers, and improve conversion rate.

Create Leads with Web Forms

Seize the lead and contact information from your website and insert it to your CRM with the use of Web Forms. Just generate a form on your website and link it directly to your CRM for input details.



Automate Your Sales Processes

Zoho CRM’s workflow automation makes you more productive by managing regular tasks on your behalf. You can create a workflow for custom operation, set it, and leave it! Zoho CRM will attend and implement it while you can devote your time to what is more important that is connecting with customers. You can automate workflows for up to 5 everyday tasks; so that there are fewer things on your to-do list.




Analyze Everything You Do

It also allows you to conduct a variety of analytics to track the performance and results of your business at the employee level. Not much extensive like paid ones, the free software still offers a wide range of reporting features. The system also presents robust security features that enable the administrator to allocate responsibilities, control access, and implement restrictions. For the smallest size of the business, this free option provides a remarkable set of benefits. With analytics, you can:

Design Meaningful Charts

You can only manage the details that you can view on your system. Create colorful charts to get insights on sales activities, marketing campaigns, lead status, customer contacts, and more.

Create Detailed Reports

Change the way your business is managed and run with intelligent reporting features that interrupt key metrics and can share the reports with a single click.



Customize the Way You Do It

Zoho CRM’s free version allows you to choose how your data appears. You can make custom list views that will help you to discover data quickly, rename tabs with specific names appropriate according to your business terminology, and customize pages to match well with your industry style.



Data Storage

Everything Is On The Cloud

Zoho CRM gives your company the facility for cloud storage that ensures complete security and management of your business data. In this feature, you get:

Data Storage

You can store up to 5,000 records in each module that can be published manually or transferred from a spreadsheet or another CRM vendor.

File Storage

With the free cloud storage, you can create files and folders, share them with other users, evaluate files, attach files, etc., which will help you run your business more easily. Each business organization gets 1GB of cloud storage to save their files.



Step into the Zoho Ecosystem

Zoho serves the best when used with other Zoho applications. You can integrate the free editions of some other Zoho applications like Zoho Creator, Zoho Books, and Zoho Campaigns etc. with Zoho CRM for better customer support, marketing campaigns, surveys, and more operations. Easily sign up for one Zoho product and get access to utilize the entire suite with the same credentials.

Also Read: Top Reasons to Choose Zoho One
Get the Desired Value in Free Version!


Zoho is a reputed business software company, and when they say free, it means free forever. You will not be requested to upgrade and make any license payments after a trial period is gone. Indeed, there is no such trial period. You can access and manage all of your business data for as long as you like.

And the best thing is that the Zoho CRM free edition allows you to work with a small team that has up to 3 users, for 4,8,12 months or more, depending on whether it matches your needs.

Once you start running your business with the free CRM software, success will be on the way. Your business will thrive, your customer base will get greater, and your sales team will increase. But, with the growth of your business, there will be a need for a superior plan, and then you can upgrade it accordingly.

Zoho will never force you to upgrade to a paid edition. However, the future growth and expansion will itself tend your organization to the point that you’ll need one. For technical assistance and information, consult a leading Zoho Implementation Partner today!

Zoho CRM: What You Get in Free Version? Read More »

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reasons to choose zoho one encaptechno

Top Reasons to Choose Zoho One for Your Organization

reasons to choose zoho one encaptechno

Do you get confused while choosing software to run your business? But leveraging software is not enough; you need to understand the technology behind this. If you’re looking for efficiency, speed, and economy in a single solution, all you get instead is complexity. To solve this particular concern, Zoho Consultants has now come up with an all-in-one platform – Zoho One. It works as an operating system that runs your entire business with a comprehensive suite of apps.

Zoho One Integrations- Holistic Approach to Gain Success

zoho apps

Zoho One is a full-featured platform that consists of more than 40 applications that enable businesses of all sizes and niche to boost their sales, promote their products and services, and administer back-end processes. Besides, it supports communication between teammates and customers to facilitate smooth workflows.

Zoho One is the software that works for your company, instead of your company working on the software. You can substitute your bundles of cloud applications, legacy tools, and manual operations with a single platform for your entire business.

How Can Zoho One Implementation Support Your Organization?

zoho one encaptechno

It is a holistic approach to run your business, which provides you with one integrated and customizable system to work smarter and progress faster. Zoho One gives you an inclusive platform to break down hurdles between various departments and improve the performance of your organization.

These are a few facilities that help business users to keep a track on their business:

  1. Integrated Suite of Apps

integrated apps encaptechno

Zoho One Integrations come up with a bunch of 40+ online applications that will help you to manage and automate business processes throughout your organization. You can select the apps that match your custom needs and then make them accessible for your employees. Every app has a mobile version so that you can work wherever you want. It embraces apps for:

  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Support
  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Productivity
  • Finance
  • Operations
  • HR
  • Business Processes
  1. Smart Services for Enhanced Productivity

smart services encaptechno

It comprises a distinct range of applications, which serves as the source for supplementary services that deliver great value to your organization. Collectively, the complete suite helps to run the business operations more effectively and improves business productivity.

  • Handle work smartly with Zia, the Zoho Intelligent Assistant
  • View superior insights with exceptionally crafted dashboards
  • Search and explore everything quicker with a single search for all your business data
  • Make user authentication, app deployment, and company privacy policies simpler
  1. Tools to Customize Software 

customized software encaptechno

Zoho One consists of a powerful toolkit for Zoho Customization, expand, and integrate the software to make it fit for your organization according to your specific business needs. You can perform any required changes in your software easily.

  • Make custom integrations between Zoho and third party-apps
  • Add custom features to Zoho apps
  • Produce low-code apps easily for unique processes
Why Should You Opt Zoho One Implementation for Your Organization?

Zoho One Implementation

As you know, Zoho One Implementation works as an operating system for an organization that accumulates a complete set of online applications that helps you run your entire business from a single system or through a mobile. Here are a few reasons that can compel you to choose Zoho One for your organization:

1. Mobile Apps

mobile apps encaptechno

You get a complete suite of 40+ apps for different processes at the department of your organization. All 40+ applications you get can also be conveniently used on the go on your mobile. It will be easy to access your business information, contact clients, track sales or marketing processes, etc. from your mobile anywhere and anytime.

2. Less Administrative Activities

managing activities encaptechno

Whether it’s about monitoring projects, tracking processes, or generating reports, Zoho One enables you to do it all with a single push of a button, so that you can devote more time to other essential activities in your business.

3. Better Collaboration

collaboration encaptechno

It comes with all tools for accessing news quickly, conduct meetings, project management, inter-communication, etc., which makes collaboration even easy between various departments and employees.

4. Viewing Assets and Liabilities

assets liabilities encaptechno

Zoho One is an inclusive solution not only for handling business operations but also helps in clean bookkeeping and a steady synopsis of all investments any time, by using applications for accounting, inventory management, etc.

5. All Business Highlights

business highlights encaptechno

Get every highlight of your business from campaign tools, social media management, analytics, survey, and more that make your business look exceptionally brilliant. Don’t even miss a single notification with Zoho One Apps regarding your business.

6. Handle Leads and Deals

leads handling encaptechno

The incentive programs in the CRM systems and its reporting support your sales team in customer acquisition and make you aware of all consequences that can happen if something gets wrong. You can always track your complete sales process and communicate with clients from your mobile.

7. Optimal Customer Service

customer service encaptechno

Zoho One has made Customer support easy with modern assistance and ticketing system, which offer your customers a pleasing service experience. You can never fail to impress your customers with efficient customer service.

8. Employ Best Talents

zoho recruit encaptechno

It is not easy to search for good employees, but personnel management service by Zoho One makes it easier for you to organize your employees and handle fresh recruitment programs with the HR team to find the best talents for your business.


Zoho One is a wide-ranging ecosystem of tools for all departments that enables seamless collaboration, ensuring the overall growth of your organization. You get a mobile version for every application that will help you to access information across devices. It is very easy-to-manage, as a single operating system login is required to access multiple applications and systems. The central admin console allows you to manage the users and provide controlled access to specific applications.

Additionally, you will get real-time information quickly from configurable dashboards and financial analysis reports to have a clear picture of your organization. Not only that, the improved customer service makes your help desk and support even more efficient and customer-focused.

Zoho one is a great piece of software that allows you to handle all your business application and tools with a single operating system only. Contact your Zoho Consulting Partner today and ask how conveniently it can transform your approach to handle your business!

Top Reasons to Choose Zoho One for Your Organization Read More »

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