

Salesforce Implementation

Salesforce Implementation from Chaotic to Exciting

Salesforce Implementation

You have most probably launched a hunt for Salesforce consulting and development because you want to implement it in your own company, that could be the only reason you are here reading the article. Well, in that case, I need to lay down before you certain things about Salesforce that in the long run would help you in the successful implementation of the Salesforce in your business organization. So we will be learning about Salesforce implementation challenges, Salesforce implementation requirements and steps for successful Salesforce implementation. Well, in short, it will be about making the Salesforce implementation process more exciting, less chaotic.

Salesforce Implementation Challenges Business`s Face

There is no doubt about benefits to get after implementing Salesforce, but the process of implementation may not be a smooth one. It has its own challenges. The business owners sort of tend to ignore these challenges. Either because of misinformation, or they are completely unaware of the fact. So let`s take few of these challenges and discuss them one by one.

Calculating Salesforce Implementation Cost – The question that frequently creeps in during discussions on Salesforce implementation is how much does it really cost. Obsession with cost question negatively affects other considerations that are equally important but get ignored due to the emphasis on cost thing. They base their cost calculation exclusively on license requirements, which is not a right way to do, especially when you are yet to choose a Salesforce consulting company. The right way to go about is letting the consulting company properly analyze and design a model based on your business and then investing in the license.

  • Choosing the right Salesforce Implementation Company – The challenge with it is because if you choose a wrong company, your whole process of Salesforce implementation will not function according to what you had planned. Be it the marketing of your company, keeping track of sales, customer support services, Salesforce integrates them all. Any error in implementation process can tear down business operations of your business and make it slow, less efficient and disintegrated. So, you have to be extra careful while choosing a company for Salesforce implementation.
  • Keeping Track of Data Migration – The biggest challenge with Salesforce implementation is data migration. Keeping track of data when it is being migrated from one system to another can really be a headache. Any strategy you adopt during data migration, it should be such as would least impact your routine business.
  • Salesforce Integration with Business Applications – In order to cash in full benefits of Salesforce, its integration with every single business application your company has been using is necessary. These business applications include mobile apps, applications, and systems used inside your company, cloud computing applications and other IT infrastructure of your business organization. When I say integrating these systems and networks is must, there you have to also remember how significant a challenge it is to ensure the proper integration between these various systems and networks during Salesforce implementation.
  • Introducing Salesforce to your Team – Technology implementation would mean nothing if your team at your company do not understand how to operate it. That`s the biggest challenge. Introducing Salesforce app development to your team. It is the story common to every business organization, people don`t want to switch to new technology. They would rather do things traditional way than engage with modern sophisticated technology. You will have to introduce Salesforce to them, how it can benefit company and them as well. It is about getting their confidence.

Salesforce Implementation Requirements to Consider

In order to successfully implement – without any hindrance – the Salesforce, you should take care of following requirements before going for implementation process directly. It will help you take every step measurably and move ahead with confidence.

  • Create a Team – Based on accessibility and time commitment of people at your organization, you can create a team which can look after the whole project of Salesforce implementation, right from the beginning till the end. It is not helpful only in picking up the right candidate for the task at hand but will also give a plenty of time. Your team should be able to make decisions on behalf of the company and users as well and should have clear expectations in mind.
  • Document Needs and Requirements of Company – Well, before you partner with any Salesforce Implementation Company, your team should documents each and every need of your company based on merit. Some things you must have, some things are nice to have. It is the task of your team to choose between the two and decide upon one that really adds value to whole set up of your business organization. There will be a lot of data sharing taking place between your team and Salesforce consulting and development company unless to have already documented useful data, the process could get weird and lose track.
  • Defining Business Process – Every company markets itself distinctly has different channels to sell through and uses various ways to connect with its customers. While implementing Salesforce, much of the discussion would revolve around defining the business process of your company. How everything in your company operates should be already documented and vividly defined by your team, and then you will not miss on the target because it will include everything from data to security to business process.

Some Tips for Successful Salesforce Implementation

Not always is the implementation process smooth and anxiety-free. It can really get weird sometimes. But here are few steps you can follow for successful implementation of Salesforce in your company.

  1. Plan an integration of Salesforce with other business applications well in advance. The objective should be to streamline all your business processes and get everything connected and centralized.
  2. Introduce your team to Salesforce and make them understand what this technology is all about and what benefits to reap with it. Distribute tasks among various members of your team, resolve any after-math issues and take care of what they say.
  3. Only that data should be migrated which is of real use to the company, get rid of everything else before data migration starts. It would give you enough time to remove errors and typos and clean up your data.
  4. Update Salesforce regularly to make use of new features introduced periodically. It is must for keeping business process relevant and enhances adaptability.

While the Salesforce is a great thing to have, its implementation is always a very daunting process. So you need someone who understands and masters Salesforce implementation, someone who is reliable and has a name in the market. In short, you need to join hands with Encaptechno and meet our Salesforce certified developers to know more about our services. We understand your needs, and we know how to successfully implement Salesforce.

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How to Boost Business Growth with Salesforce?

boost business growth with salesforce

Cloud based applications and web based solutions in the form of packages and products have become preeminent nowadays. These are known for catering quick and efficient solutions to the customers and boosting sales to a great extent. One can have myriad advantages from such products, like getting new leads, new customers, buying and selling strategies, and details about the ongoing market trends.
If you are new to the business sector, it is advisable to integrate a professional product/platform for better results and sales. This will market you and services in the best possible way that will definitely add up to your growth and goodwill in the market.

Salesforce is one of the most promising cloud based platforms that helps in the overall growth of your business. This is a complete package for all sorts of industries, right from small scale to the large scale industries, including manufacturing, automotive, financial, media, retail, public sector, healthcare, and many others.

Benefits of having Salesforce in your business

There are numerous benefits for embedding Salesforce into your business, which is not only productive for boosting sales, but also solves various customer related queries with an opt solution. Major benefits are mentioned here:

It provides marvelous Cloud based sales solutions in various mentioned ways:

  • Traces all the details of your customers from anywhere on the web and puts in one place.
  • Combines this information with the best deals to offer to the clients or customers.
  • Automatic sales solutions quicken up the whole process and lead to higher productivity.
  • Information gathered for the productive intelligence is kept at one place & sorted accordingly, so that quick and relevant decisions are made.
  • Arranges new business leads for you by targeting customers by studying their behavior and purchasing capabilities.

It does good marketing and branding in mentioned ways:

  • Engages in the personalized marketing tactics for the business according to each and every customer. You can get various campaigns made in minutes and scatter it across to all the customers within seconds with the help of automatic tools and techniques.
  • Reaching customers anywhere through MMS, SMS and push notifications. This helps in advancing your brand’s digital marketing across the globe.
  • Connect all the social sites and applications such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn with all the marketing strategies. You get to interact and stay connected with your customers 24*7.
  • You get to collect data for the predictive analytics and can listen to customer reviews/suggestions/demands/needs/requirements as well so that you can work on marketing strategies accordingly.
  • You can advertise your services and business well. Optimize your adverts and float them throughout the Internet, while also reaching to the new customers.

Such platforms not only help your team and organization to grow and decide wisely, but also ensure that all the business deals are closed on time. This, in turn, can add another great milestone to your business regime.

Boost in your business growth with Salesforce.

On the other hand, if you are looking to get the most out from Salesforce, read this article: How to Get the Most Out of Your Salesforce CRM?

If you need more information on Salesforce Consultation & Support, please feel free to Contact Us. We work round the clock to help our clients to provide custom solutions.

How to Boost Business Growth with Salesforce? Read More »

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Lighting Summer’16 with Top Ten Salesforce Features

With summer sending us new peaks of heat waves on a daily basis the world has prepared for the Summer ‘16 release of Salesforce. It is the 50th most important product release of Salesforce. For the company which was founded 17 years ago, this is indeed a big milestone. In this Lightning Summer 16 edition, Salesforce is given with tons of new enhancements and features.

Source: solbusiness.com.au

Here is a summary of the 10 most important features Salesforce is having:

1. Lightning Experience Launched – Admins can now make use of the Lightning App Builder for designing the layouts of the home pages. One can also place components as desired. Salesforce summer launch has made sure that users soon stop using Account Insights and start using Assistant. A very neat way to layout every profile in the account.

2. Achieve Power of Flow with Experience – Flow from Salesforce is a tool which efficiently allows users for working using a script at the front end and a powerful logic at the back end. This logic helps in making powerful data manipulations under the hood. But, now Flow is outperformed by Lightning Experience. The Pilot allows integration of Flow inside Lightning pages. This helps to give the pages a modern and complete look.

3. Calendar Creation – Salesforce Summer‘16 launch of Lightning Experience does not just mean making the pages look beautiful only. It also helps to organize dates and scheduling with the help of its powerful calendar feature. Functions like plan start dates, event date planning, tasks for dates etc help entrepreneurs plan their entire schedule professionally.

4. Exporting of Reports – Salesforce Lightning Experience, this time, has added the feature of exporting data report sheets from XLS or CSV formats. Hence, it helps to make core platforms compatible to each other.

5. Shortcuts – Latest launch of Salesforce, the Lightning Summer ‘16 also supports small handy text-based shortcut tools while one enter numeric or currency values. These small handy features are what makes users the happiest. It is now no longer needed to type long numerical. Lightning will understand and get the work done on behalf.

6. One Contact, Multiple Accounts – Now users can associate a single contact with multiple accounts. One does not need to create duplicate contacts. So for a particular list, one can now showcase all contacts related to that account.

7. Sandbox Cloning – It is a perfect feature integrated by this edition of Lightning where Salesforce has collaborated sandboxes. Allocating new sandboxes have saved a lot of time as well.

8. Execute More Than One Action – This signifies now Lightning allows one to process executing a function for the next criteria at the same time the last one is not fully completed. At workflow, this is a great flexible feature.

9. Related List Record Inclusion – Salesforce has been divided by many people for running business operations from their smartphone. This is something very valuable. So using Salesforce1 one can see related list which includes all the records.

10. Clutter Elimination – Using the new Lightning Experience one can validate pick lists. So, one can keep clutter away cause every incorrect value leads to data piling.

That was Summer’16 Lightning Experience by Salesforce which one can use and have a successful business running.

On an other note, if you are new to Salesforce Lightning and not sure if Salesforce Org is Ready for it, checkout this article: How to Ensure Salesforce Org is Ready for Lightning Experience?

If you need more information on Salesforce Lightning & Support, please feel free to Contact Us. We work round the clock to help our clients to provide custom solutions.

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salesforce lightning

How to Ensure Salesforce Org is Ready for Lightning Experience?

Salesforce’s latest Lightning is a thing everyone is quite excited about. It is, in reality, a complete turnaround. For admins, it needs, however, a little homework to understand how it works before activating it. One must ascertain whether the Lightning experience is ready to be activated for your Salesforce org.

salesforce lightning

Quick checklist to make sure whether Lightning Experience is ready:

  • It is much more than just a new UI –  The experience of Salesforce Lightning Experience is much more than a brand new pretty user interference change. It is a complete Salesforce reinvention rather with a completely new CRM tool.  So by activating Lightning Experience does not mean your old Classic Salesforce will completely get converted. Rather one needs to configure it. For example, the dashboards and the navigational menu all needs to be configured so users can quickly access data using the new Lightning Experience. So, it’s important to know the differences in between the Classic edition and the new Lightning Experience edition before ensuring the org is ready for it.
  • A Checklist for Org –  One more important thing to know is that all the features of the Classic version have not yet been integrated and made available in the Lightning Experience.  It is recommended to activate it only when it is totally ready to integrate all the org processes involved in its successful operations. The worst action the admin can take is to use the current iterated Lightning Experience for fitting the org when new features are gradually being developed and launched.
  • Need to get the hands dirty – On a regular basis the admin is working on Lightning Experience. But for the production level org usage, it is  not yet ready. One can use an Admin Playground or the Company Sandbox for deployment purposes. With Sandbox, one can make a copy of the production org. The metadata and configurations can be tested and validation proofs must be gathered in regards to the business operation. One can create org like the Admin Playground easily free of cost. One can activate it and use it while the developer can work through Trailhead.
  • Early Adopters must be found – Most organizations adopt to new things to try them out and to be up-to-date. These are precious resources as these are the people who have the mindset to test and adapt to new things. Not only do they explore but also communicate back their reviews and feedbacks about the product which in turn helps Salesforce enhance its products.
  • A plan must be devised – Careful planning and proper communication with thought must be made before activating org to Lightning Experience. If  one wants to be successful then one must make sure users also get success. But to achieve such levels of success it requires a lot of strategic planning and efficient execution. One can make a strategy where one can include a date to go live and a proper plan for communications. Making sure that resources are gathered, training material is interactive and engaging can make the planning proper.

It is important to note and observe the various release notes Salesforce keeps releasing. As they contain details about Lightning Experience updations. It will help making the org checklist.

For more information about Salesforce Lightning & support, please feel free to contact Encaptechno.

How to Ensure Salesforce Org is Ready for Lightning Experience? Read More »

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grow sales with lead management

Grow Sales With Effective Lead Management

There are numerous goals and pressures that the lead of the sales team has to meet. In today’s world where the scenario in the business sector is always changing, thankfully there are techniques which have been proven to be generating sales as per target. There is something called leads. A lead is basically a potential contact that seems to be having an interest in the product or service provided but is not an active purchaser.

grow sales with lead management
source: leadnext.com

It is important to manage such leads in a very effective way so that they can be converted into customers. Through management, marketing programs and campaigns devised by Salesforce one can manage these efficiently.

Sales can be generated with an effective lead management program:-

  • Lead management and Promotional techniques must match:
    The Salesforce team works together in sync for an efficient monitoring of marketing and lead management. No lead is ever overlooked or ignored. Different techniques have adopted the team to process their leads.
  • Sell as per the Consumer:
    Consumers spend time in different channels like the social media, digital media, society or outdoors. To tap these leads one has to keep the product or service visible in such channels. But it requires a great deal of flexibility. The process used by Salesforce is extremely flexible enough to change to the channel where the customer shifts. This is called selling as per the consumer’s activities. The team studies customer’s activity on different channels and then spread the product on these busy channels.
  • Keep a tab on the social media:
    Leads and potential business can be captured through social media using Salesforce CRM applications developed for sales generations. Such kind of search engine marketing is very useful. Here consumers already surf and browses products and services displayed by one. Using forms of the company’s official website one can get information about what channel the customer used to procure the product.
  • Stay ahead of competition:
    Sales leaders and company management authorities always look around to gather information about who is doing what in the market. This helps them understand the trend of the industry. The Salesforce team leaders who are successful are the ones who not only just watch what is happening today but also have a strong sense of visualizing to realize what is upcoming. By looking at the big picture and investing into the right stuff the team ensures him to stay ahead of the competition in the world.
  • Data Clearance:
    Data must be cleaned on a regular basis. The Salesforce has tools which can aid in cleaning unwanted or accidental wrong data inputs.
  • Prioritize Leads:
    One must opt for lead scoring for prioritizing which lead is important and must be tapped first. For this one must categorize the leads as per their importance. Salesforce marketing campaigners use their strategic methodologies and prioritize leads first.
  • Attention to presales is needed:
    The Salesforce team looks after presales usually, they search what qualifies, bids and usually wins deals. For the sales team, this is a high performing feature. For this, the team uses analytics and taps quality leads only. Customers are given an access to the presale staff.

Based on the functioning of an organization leads are managed. These are the backbone of an organization and are taken good care of by the Salesforce team.

For more information on lead management with Salesforce applications, you can call or consult our certified salesforce experts.

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Testing Salesforce App Before and After Migration

In the world of technology, the Salesforce app is one of the most flourishing ones. The investments and efforts made in this security system are now finally paying off positively. This cloud based security system can cause a hindrance to any kind of data attack and anomalies effectively and efficiently. The Salesforce cloud is a storehouse for your encrypted data along with a varied range of other security measures like multi-factor access authentications, pinning of device etc.

data migration
Source: 4isoft.com

Data mishandled costs one big time. The risks involved in the mishandling of important business data like revenue or statistics can hit an enterprise permanently. One of the potential mishandling of such data occurs in the event of a data migration. The entire intricate data migration made in the Salesforce CRM goes through a series of tests for detecting issues right when they start. This is to avoid the issues hitting badly in a big way if undetected at the initial levels.

Powerful testing techniques and strategies help solve potential risks like corruption of data, misplaced data, lost data, performance issues of apps due to data migrations etc.

Cloud computing security concept
Source: stratospherenetworks.com

The strategy taken encompasses the entire Salesforce CRM functional tool before as well as after the data migration takes place. The entire process has 2 stages which are one by one discussed below:-

Stage One – Checklist To Be Followed Before Migration:-


  • Salesforce CRM data migration will begin only when it is assured that the entire list of objects, customized fields, and customized applications are all set up in a proper manner.

    Source: staticworld.net
  • Validation of OWD or organisation-wide defaults and various profiles must be correctly set up before beginning the data migration procedure.
  • Validation is also required for making sure that migration is happening for the entire workflow, assignments, and projects, rules of approvals and templates of emails.
  • Page layouts, page mappings for various profiles and for record categories must all be validated properly before migration is started.
  • One must also validate that the SSO login or the single sign-on is working properly.
  • All the tabs present and displayed must be working properly and then only migration can be validated.

Stage Two – Post Migration One Must Check These Functionality Tests:-


  • The first test must be done on a small sample date for checking whether after migration data mapping is correctly implemented.
  • Validation is needed that the users have their respective profiles correctly synced.
  • Validation is needed that the relationship in between various contacts, accounts, and their opportunities are synced up properly.

    Source: datacenterjournal.com
  • A new record is next needed to be created. This is for checking fields, read only fields and for checking any validation rules associated with the particular field.
  • Approval processes must be tested using sample data.
  • Validations must be made that the scenarios of the workforce have been triggered properly and notifications via email and workflow is sent properly.
  • Search function must be checked whether it is showing correct records searched
  • Site pages must be displayed correctly.
  • Duplicity of data must be checked
  • Testing of SOQL queries, testing various records by logging as separate Salesforce users must all show positive results.
  • Compare records.
  • Validate the various naming conventions and broken attachments.
  • Validate different records in the legacy system like CreatedBy, CreatedDate, LastModifiedByID and LastModifiedDate.
  • Loading time must be monitored
  • Check the reports in the dashboard migrated is showing right data and running correctly.

Salesforce hence, makes sure that with proper processes of monitoring data migration is done efficiently.

For more information on Salesforce Data Migration, you can call or consult our certified salesforce experts.

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